Thursday, May 20, 2021
My winning table topic on Donald Trump at Lucknow Toastmasters club in India
May 15 2021.
You must persuade the captain of the ship to give you a life belt. You have a choice of three people.
(I chose Donald Trump. I said:)
"It's absolutely clear you must save me because you will go down in history as the person who saved the President of the United States, the former President, but I could be President yet again, because I was voted in - and what they did once they could do again.
"We all have our ups and downs, everyone does, and I've had a down, but you should hang on, and there's a chance you might live.
"You're doing to go down in history and you could live and be famous, forever. If you give me that life belt, I will have your name engraved at a new university, named after you, and give an opening speech about you, and a statue for you.
"And your family will all be VIPs. And your family will have hotel stays at my hotels. Don't worry about visas.
"Now, I am a big man and need this life belt. But if you've a good swimmer, and you can hang on, I will reach out and support you. You might live.
"Regardless, you will go down in history. You could live and be famous forever. You cannot afford to miss this offer."
Lucknow Toastmasters club is in India.
They are
Labels: impromptu speech, India, life belt, Lucknow, May, statue, table topic, trump, university