Friday, May 04, 2018


Become Invisible! A humorous impromptu speech

Impromptu Speech Topic - Become invisible

I was asked to speak on this topic at Francophone, the French group in Singapore.

This is what I said, in English (French below later):

Become invisible - what a dreadful idea! You might hear people talking about you and saying rude things which you would not want to hear. I would feel insulted, outraged. How could they say such dreadful things about me? I'm a nice person, a sweetie.

Things could not get any worse - yes, they could. They don't know I'm here - and they are taking their clothes off! Please don't do that. They can't see me.

Oh, my God! I'm not looking!

I'll go next door. Oh, look, a lovely buffet, so I'll join the queue. But nobody has noticed me. They haven't given me any food.

I'm really going off this being invisible lark. Nobody's talking to me.

I shall just have to sing to myself. Oops, I'm signing, sharp, or is it flat? Luckily nobody knows it's me. Maybe there are some advantages to being invisible.

Devinir invisible!

Quel horreur. Vous pouvey entendre ce que les gens disent á votre subjet, votre charactère. Alors. C'est affreux. Ce n'est-ce pas vrais. Je suis une personne adorable.

Ce n'est pas possible que cela sera pire. Oui. C'est possible. Ils ramene leures vêtement, enlève leurs vêtments. Arretez vous!
Mais on ne me vois pas. Ils sont nus.
Et maintenant - oh! Je ne regarde pas!

Ils faut d'aller d'ailleurs. Au buffet. Je dois joindre les autres. Mais ils ont recu toutes les fruits. Il n'ya rien pour mois. Ils ne peux pas voir que je suis ici. J'ai faim.

Rien á faire. Je vai chanter toute seule. Hélas, je chante faux. Tant pis. Personne peux entendre, ce n'est pas moi. Peutêtre devenir invisible peux être bons.

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