Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Successful Speech, Table Topic on Writing by Angela Lansbury in 2014

On Monday 2014 I won a ribbon at Harrovian Toastmasters speakers club for best table topic (impromptu speech) on the subject of writing.
Angela Lansbury (Immediate Past President of Harrovian Speakers) presented with a ribbon by President Gosbert Chagula.

The topic was:
You are a successful writer - how many books have you written and how do you do it? Give us your advice.

I have written ten books for mainstream publishers and ten self-published. All books need a lot of research. It's the same as writing a speech. You start by researching. Then you put everything in logical order. Most beginning writers and speakers think it's easier to write what you want. But it's easier to have a framework and slot in your research. For example, when I wrote an article on visiting Champagne Cellars in Rheims for Take A Break magazine, they said start with a quotation and end with tips for visitors. I began with a quotation by Napoleon, Champagne, in victory you deserve it - in defeat you need it. I ended with a tip, wear warm clothes to visit cold wine cellars. Research and organise - that's the key to writing a book.

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