Saturday, March 29, 2014
Toastmasters International Speech & Evaluation Contest for Area 61, held in Stanmore, March 29 2014
The International Speech and Evaluation Contest for Area 61 was hosted by HOD Speakers Club at Glebe Hall in Stanmore.
Each club in the area has held a competition and two winners, placed first and second by the judges, have now met the contestants from other clubs in the area. The clubs represented are HOD, whose premises are used for the contest, Harrovians, Watford and another club.
The Chief Judge Coralie briefed the judges, timers and counters.
The Contest Chair Alan Gillman, of HOD, oversees the speakers drawing numbers to decide the order. Some prefer to speak first and get it over with, others to be last and remembered. Others don't care. All the speakers will hear the others, since every speech is prepared in advance, is original and different.
The first speaker was Kabita Dulai of Watford Speakers.
After the speeches, while waiting for the judges to do their tally, Alan interviews the contestants and asks them about their speeches, their roles in Toastmasters and their hobbies.
The second speaker was Gosbert Chagula, President of Harrovian Speakers.
The third speaker was Indra Sikdar, a founder member of Harrovian Speakers.
The fourth speaker was Gill Ornstein, President of HOD Speakers. She is wearing a wonderful co-ordinated costume of black, cream and white with matching designer shoes.
The sixth speaker was Alan McMahon of Watford Speakers, a former member of Harrovian Speakers.
Alan Gillman presents a certificate of participation to his good friend and previous President of HOD, David Phelops.
Alderman Keith Toms presents a certificate to Gosbert Chagula.
Alderman Keith Toms gave a speech explaining how he represents the Worshipful the Mayor of Harrow at events, sometimes fearing he has been sent to an event which will make him lose the will to live. He was gracious enough to say that he had thoroughly enjoyed the entertaining and informative speeches at this contest, and the earlier club contests. He also explained how an alderman was originally an elder man who advised. He was a councillor for many years.
Contest Chair Alan Gillman is relieved he can at last sit down.
Angela Lansbury, representing Harrovians Club (also a member of HOD Speakers) came second place in the Evaluation Contest. Receiving a certificate from Hon Alderman Keith Toms.
Next on the agenda:
1 Voting for Area Governor.
Coralie Frances could stand again but she invited proposals from the floor to give somebody else a chance and Alan McMahon offered to be the next Area Governor. This will later be put to the vote by post (actually email nowadays).
2 Next event is the next level of contest on Friday April 4th in London.
3 HOD is holding a meeting at Harrow Civic Centre attended by the mayor and many VIPs.
Photo of Angela Lansbury and Alderman Keith Toms by Trevor Sharot.
All other photos by Angela Lansbury.
Copyright photos. For permission to copy or for other photos of this event please contact the photographers.
Labels: Alan Gillman, Alderman Keith Toms, Angela Lansbury, certificates, Contest Chair, David Phelops, Harrovian Speakers Club, HOD Speakers, Watford Speakers