Friday, June 16, 2006
Impromptu Speech Success Recipes
Angela's Advice
How to talk about a subject you know nothing about
If you are going to the AGM and you hold a post, you should have an account of what you have done - especially if you are an accountant. An accountant is expected to be able to quote figures of profit and loss, statistics, no muttering, "Um, I have to check". Similarly, those of use called to speak on a subject we know nothing about have to speak confidently.
A politician may face such a challenge from hecklers. he starts to speak about a subject he knows, something con-controversial. Then a speaker calls out a question on a subject which he knows nothing about or doesn't want to talk about. "Hey - what about the workers!" Maybe that's why hecklers are sometimes ejected.
A politician may face such a challenge from hecklers. he starts to speak about a subject he knows, something con-controversial. Then a speaker calls out a question on a subject which he knows nothing about or doesn't want to talk about. "Hey - what about the workers!" Maybe that's why hecklers are sometimes ejected.
Plan Speeches On Frequent Themes
In Toastmasters we practice at speaking confidently without notes, by being called up to speak after a subject is announced, usually with no indication of the subject. Sometimes we are told the theme of the evening in advance.
Let's suppose you are asked to speak about a subject you know nothing about, which in my case would be finance or football or skiing.
Outsiders Such As Non Skiers
You are an outsider. Some of the audience may be outsiders. One trick is to talk about how outsiders cope. This could be serious. It could be funny. It could be both. And it often makes an orginal speech.
For example, what do Jews do at Christmas? Where do skiers go in summer? What do football fans do on World Cup night - and what do non football fans do?
Angela Lansbury, ACG, CL, member of Harrovians and HOD Toastmasters International clubs in London and Braddell Heights Advanced club in Singapore.
Labels: accountant, AGM, Christmas, finance, football. skiing, funny, Jews, notes, politician, serious, speeches, theme