Saturday, August 31, 2019


My Prize Winning Table Topic On Success

At Henderson Toastmasters Club, thursday 29th Auguest, 2019.

What does success mean to you = what is the secret of success?

The secret of success to me is the abiliity to finish the job or task, however difficult it is at first, however many setbacks doubts and few people support you.

I have heard of so many cases where people started a business which did badly and later became a success.  People such as Jack Ma (of Alibaba) on the internet.
He applied for lots of jobs and did not get them.

You may remember doing O levels or A levels or other school courses. When you started you knew nothing. At the end you knew another language or other subject.

In Toastmasters clubs we experience the same.

Toastmasters also teaches us to be on time and continue with a course until we complete it. I see the yellow light and know to be a success I must leave the stage now. I leave you with this thought; Success is just continuing. I wish you every success.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer  and photographer, author and speaker.

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